We’re pleased and excited to announce that March 13 is NO MORE Day, the public launch of the country’s first unifying awareness symbol for domestic violence and sexual assault. Join us to launch NO MORE and participate in one of the most concerted and collaborative efforts to raise awareness for these issues.
NO MORE is a groundbreaking symbol (like the pink breast cancer ribbon and the red AIDS ribbon) designed to galvanize change and radically increase the awareness of domestic violence and sexual assault in our communities.
On March 13, NO MORE Day, thousands of advocates and supporters across the country will unite to officially launch NO MORE.
Domestic violence and sexual assault are not easy to talk about, although they impact millions of men, women and children every year. Because of the stigma and shame, these issues often remain hidden in our society. NO MORE seeks to bring domestic violence and sexual assault into the national spotlight to generate more attention, more resources and more action to prevent them. NO MORE aims to empower bystanders of domestic violence and sexual assault in every community to break their silence around these issues and get involved.
• KNOW MORE. Learn the signs of domestic violence and listen without judgment to victims/survivors of sexual assault. Get the facts and know the resources available.
• Say NO MORE. Break the silence. Speak out. Seek help when you see this problem or harassment of any kind in your family, your community, your workplace or school.
• Share NO MORE. Share the NO MORE symbol with everyone you know. Facebook it. Tweet it.Pin it. Instagram it. Email it. Wear it. Help to increase awareness about the extent of domestic violence and sexual assault. Visit the NO MORE Shop at nomore.org.
• Ensure NO MORE. Get involved. Volunteer in your community, or donate to a local, state or national domestic violence or sexual assault organization.
• Request the NO MORE Toolkit at nomore.org to get the symbol and start using it
• Take a picture of how you’re using NO MORE in your community, or tell us why you say NO MORE. Share photos on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook using the hashtag #NOMOREday
• Participate in the #NOMOREday Twitter Chat on March 13th, 2013, 3 pm EST
• Help make #NOMOREday a trending topic on Twitter by participating in our Thunderclap
• Forward this email to 5 friends!
Events will be taking place nationwide in celebration of NO MORE Day, including:
• Washington Wizards Game (open to the public) – Come support NO MORE, get free products and see the debut of our new PSA (Purchase tickets, here. Promo code: nomore)
• A National Press Club Luncheon Hosted by Founder and President of the Joyful Heart Foundation, Actress Mariska Hargitay in Washington D.C. (sold out)
• Congressional Briefing on Capitol Hill, Washington D.C. (Dirksen Senate Office Building, Room 538 at 9 am EST. Please RSVP with your name and number of guests) – Results of the new Avon Foundation-funded NO MORE Study: Teens and Young Adults on Dating Violence and Sexual Assault, to be presented by Ashley Greene, Actress and Ambassador for Avon's mark Brand.
Hashtags: #NOMOREday & #NOMORE