Thursday, August 28, 2014

NNEDV's Tech Savvy Teens: Choosing Who Gets to See Your Info

Do you know who sees your info? Good reads from NNEDV on "Tech Savvy Teens: Choosing Who Gets to See Your Info". 

Source: The National Network to End Domestic Violence 

Thursday, August 21, 2014

NNEDV's Safety & Privacy on Facebook: A Guide for Survivors

This guide explains how to be safe, manage your friends list, review your privacy settings, security settings and notifications on Facebook. To read more visit: NNEDV's Safety & Privacy on Facebook: A Guide for Survivors

Source: The National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV)

Monday, August 04, 2014

Technology Safety

New Survey: Technology Abuse & Experiences of Survivors and Victim Service Agencies

In a survey conducted by the Safety Net Project at NNEDV, nearly 90% of programs report that survivors come to them for help after abusers intimidated and made threats via cell phone, text messages and email, and 75% of programs noted that abusers accessed victim’s accounts (email, social media, etc.) without the victim’s consent and oftentimes without their knowledge. Intimidation, threats, and access of information about victims aren’t new tactics within the context of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, or trafficking. However, the use of technology as a tool to facilitate these tactics means that the harassment and abuse can be much more invasive, intensive, and traumatizing. 
Technology gives abusers more methods of controlling and monitoring victims. Seventy-two percent of programs reported that a survivor’s location is being tracked by smart phones or other devices; more than half of the programs report that survivors are saying abusers are spoofing caller ID (manipulating caller ID so that it appears as though someone other than the abuser is calling); and nearly 70% of programs report that abusers are posting pictures or videos of victims online for the purpose of distressing or harming the victim. Programs also report that survivors are asking for help on how to manage their technology and stay safe while using them. Survivors frequently ask for help with cell phones (71%); followed by how to manage location privacy, whether through cell phones or other location devices (62%), and computer or laptop use (56%). 
These two newest infographics show how technology is being misused by abusers against survivors. NNEDV conducted a survey of more than 750 victim service agencies across the United States, including American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, through a grant from the Office for Victims of Crime. This is one of the most comprehensive reviews of what survivors are telling victim service providers about how abusers misuse technology to harass, stalk, and harm.

Friday, August 01, 2014

National Domestic Violence Hotline U.S. Firearms Focus 2014 Survey

Below are statistics from a recent 2014 survey by the National Domestic Violence Hotline about the intersection of gun violence and sexual and domestic violence.

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Article - Larry Magid: San Jose Domestic Violence Prevention Summit Deals With Stalking & Trafficking Through Technology

Hafa Adai Friday Everyone! Get a good read out of this article from San Francisco KCBS regarding the "National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) Safety Net Technology Summit 2014" that our GCASAFV Representatives are currently attending!

SAN FRANCISCO (KCBS)— A domestic violence prevention summit is underway in San Jose where the focus is on issues dealing with technology, stalking and trafficking.

Some people might not realize that potential stalkers can use a victim’s smartphone to find out where they are. The conference is reminding people to turn off location services, or if you leave them on, be sure that any apps that are location aware are turned off or not displaying your whereabouts.

People would probably be surprised at how many apps actually use location services. It’s not just the obvious ones like Google Maps or the map app built into your iPhone. Most or just about all social networking apps like Foursquare, Facebook, Twitter all have these tracking components. It’s not so much to spy on you, but geolocation allows you to check in, but also it can gather information so that advertising can be catered to your whereabouts.

Think of how handy this comes in when using the Yelp app when you want to find a restaurant in unfamiliar territory.

This may seem obvious, but make sure potential abusers don’t have your passwords. This would likely be in the case of a previous spouse or significant other. If you end up replacing your phone, make sure you don’t just update it with data from your own phone; do it manually so you don’t get any spyware on the new device.

As far as being located in an emergency, one thing you cannot disable is E-911. That’s secure as mandated by federal law. Even if you turn off location services, when you dial 911, dispatch will know your approximate location.